We will create ASM disks with oracleasm and we can list the ASM disks using the listdisks option.
While creating the ASM disk we will supply the physical disk path, as
Once after creating the ASM disks, there is no direct command which actually lists the mapping between ASM disks and physical disks.
If you check the syntax,
So there is no option from oracleasm executable to check how ASM_DISK1 is linked to /dev/sdc1.
We will try the SQL Commands ..
Then how do we find, Which Disks Are Handled by ASMLib Kernel Driver?
There are two ways to identify the physical disk bound to the ASMLIB disk
Hope it helps
How to identify the physical disk bound to the ASMLIB disk?
We will create ASM disks with oracleasm and we can list the ASM disks using the listdisks option.
While creating the ASM disk we will supply the physical disk path, as
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm createdisk ASK_DISK1 /dev/sdc1
Marking disk "ASK_DISK1" as an ASM disk: [ OK ]
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
Once after creating the ASM disks, there is no direct command which actually lists the mapping between ASM disks and physical disks.
If you check the syntax,
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm -h
Usage: /etc/init.d/oracleasm {start|stop|restart|enable|disable|configure|createdisk|deletedisk|querydisk|listdisks|scandisks|status}
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm listdisks
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm querydisk
Usage: oracleasm-querydisk [-l <manager>] [-v] [-d|-p] <label>|<device> ...
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm querydisk CRSVOL1
Disk "CRSVOL1" is a valid ASM disk
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
So there is no option from oracleasm executable to check how ASM_DISK1 is linked to /dev/sdc1.
We will try the SQL Commands ..
SQL> select name from v$asm_diskgroup;
SQL> select name,path,label from v$asm_disk;
--------------- ----------------------------------- ---------------
CRS_0000 /dev/oracleasm/disks/CRSVOL1
FRA_0000 /dev/oracleasm/disks/FRAVOL1
RACDB_DATA_0000 /dev/oracleasm/disks/DATAVOL1
Then how do we find, Which Disks Are Handled by ASMLib Kernel Driver?
There are two ways to identify the physical disk bound to the ASMLIB disk
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# find /dev -type b -exec '/etc/init.d/oracleasm' 'querydisk' '{}' ';' 2>/dev/null | grep "is marked an ASM disk"
Device "/dev/oracleasm/disks/CRSVOL1" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/oracleasm/disks/FRAVOL1" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/oracleasm/disks/DATAVOL1" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/dm-9" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/dm-11" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/dm-10" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdc" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdd" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sde" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdf" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdg" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdh" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdi" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdj" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdk" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdl" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdm" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdn" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdo" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdp" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdq" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdr" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sds" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdt" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdu" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdv" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdw" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdx" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdy" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdz" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/mapper/vpath2" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/mapper/vpath1" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/mapper/vpath0" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# blkid|grep sd.*oracleasm|while read a b;do echo -n $a$b" scsi_id=";(echo $a|tr -d [:digit:]|tr -d [:]|cut -d"/" -f3|xargs -i scsi_id -g -s /block/{})done;
/dev/sdc:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdd:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sde:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdf:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdg:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdh:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdi:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdj:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdk:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdl:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdm:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdn:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdo:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdp:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdq:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdr:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sds:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdt:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdu:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdv:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdw:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdx:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdy:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# multipath -ll
vpath2 (360050768019600fba80000000000036d) dm-11 IBM,2145
[size=10G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=200][active]
\_ 1:0:6:2 sdk 8:160 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:7:2 sdn 8:208 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:6:2 sdw 65:96 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:7:2 sdz 65:144 [active][ready]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=40][enabled]
\_ 1:0:4:2 sde 8:64 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:5:2 sdh 8:112 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:4:2 sdq 65:0 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:5:2 sdt 65:48 [active][ready]
vpath1 (360050768019600fba80000000000036c) dm-10 IBM,2145
[size=500G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=200][active]
\_ 1:0:4:1 sdd 8:48 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:5:1 sdg 8:96 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:4:1 sdp 8:240 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:5:1 sds 65:32 [active][ready]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=40][enabled]
\_ 1:0:6:1 sdj 8:144 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:7:1 sdm 8:192 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:6:1 sdv 65:80 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:7:1 sdy 65:128 [active][ready]
vpath0 (360050768019600fba80000000000036b) dm-9 IBM,2145
[size=500G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=200][active]
\_ 1:0:6:0 sdi 8:128 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:7:0 sdl 8:176 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:6:0 sdu 65:64 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:7:0 sdx 65:112 [active][ready]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=40][enabled]
\_ 1:0:4:0 sdc 8:32 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:5:0 sdf 8:80 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:4:0 sdo 8:224 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:5:0 sdr 65:16 [active][ready]
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
[root@orrcdbtsl01 ~]# ls -lrt /dev/mapper/vpath*
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 253, 11 Jul 9 12:49 /dev/mapper/vpath2
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 253, 10 Jul 9 12:49 /dev/mapper/vpath1
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 253, 9 Jul 9 12:49 /dev/mapper/vpath0
[root@orrcdbtsl01 ~]#
[root@orrcdbtsl01 ~]# find /dev/oracleasm/disks -type b | xargs -i sh -c "echo {}; dd if={} count=100 2>/dev/null | strings"
[root@orrcdbtsl01 ~]#
While creating the ASM disk we will supply the physical disk path, as
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm createdisk ASK_DISK1 /dev/sdc1
Marking disk "ASK_DISK1" as an ASM disk: [ OK ]
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
Marking disk "ASK_DISK1" as an ASM disk: [ OK ]
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
Once after creating the ASM disks, there is no direct command which actually lists the mapping between ASM disks and physical disks.
If you check the syntax,
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm -h
Usage: /etc/init.d/oracleasm {start|stop|restart|enable|disable|configure|createdisk|deletedisk|querydisk|listdisks|scandisks|status}
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm listdisks
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm querydisk
Usage: oracleasm-querydisk [-l <manager>] [-v] [-d|-p] <label>|<device> ...
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm querydisk CRSVOL1
Disk "CRSVOL1" is a valid ASM disk
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
Usage: /etc/init.d/oracleasm {start|stop|restart|enable|disable|configure|createdisk|deletedisk|querydisk|listdisks|scandisks|status}
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm listdisks
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm querydisk
Usage: oracleasm-querydisk [-l <manager>] [-v] [-d|-p] <label>|<device> ...
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm querydisk CRSVOL1
Disk "CRSVOL1" is a valid ASM disk
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
So there is no option from oracleasm executable to check how ASM_DISK1 is linked to /dev/sdc1.
We will try the SQL Commands ..
SQL> select name from v$asm_diskgroup;
SQL> select name,path,label from v$asm_disk;
--------------- ----------------------------------- ---------------
CRS_0000 /dev/oracleasm/disks/CRSVOL1
FRA_0000 /dev/oracleasm/disks/FRAVOL1
RACDB_DATA_0000 /dev/oracleasm/disks/DATAVOL1
SQL> select name,path,label from v$asm_disk;
--------------- ----------------------------------- ---------------
CRS_0000 /dev/oracleasm/disks/CRSVOL1
FRA_0000 /dev/oracleasm/disks/FRAVOL1
RACDB_DATA_0000 /dev/oracleasm/disks/DATAVOL1
Then how do we find, Which Disks Are Handled by ASMLib Kernel Driver?
There are two ways to identify the physical disk bound to the ASMLIB disk
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# find /dev -type b -exec '/etc/init.d/oracleasm' 'querydisk' '{}' ';' 2>/dev/null | grep "is marked an ASM disk"
Device "/dev/oracleasm/disks/CRSVOL1" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/oracleasm/disks/FRAVOL1" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/oracleasm/disks/DATAVOL1" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/dm-9" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/dm-11" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/dm-10" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdc" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdd" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sde" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdf" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdg" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdh" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdi" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdj" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdk" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdl" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdm" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdn" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdo" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdp" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdq" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdr" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sds" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdt" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdu" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdv" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdw" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdx" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdy" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdz" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/mapper/vpath2" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/mapper/vpath1" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/mapper/vpath0" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
Device "/dev/oracleasm/disks/CRSVOL1" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/oracleasm/disks/FRAVOL1" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/oracleasm/disks/DATAVOL1" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/dm-9" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/dm-11" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/dm-10" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdc" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdd" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sde" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdf" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdg" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdh" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdi" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdj" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdk" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdl" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdm" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdn" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdo" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdp" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdq" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdr" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sds" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdt" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdu" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdv" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdw" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdx" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdy" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdz" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/mapper/vpath2" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/mapper/vpath1" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/mapper/vpath0" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# blkid|grep sd.*oracleasm|while read a b;do echo -n $a$b" scsi_id=";(echo $a|tr -d [:digit:]|tr -d [:]|cut -d"/" -f3|xargs -i scsi_id -g -s /block/{})done;
/dev/sdc:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdd:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sde:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdf:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdg:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdh:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdi:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdj:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdk:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdl:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdm:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdn:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdo:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdp:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdq:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdr:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sds:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdt:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdu:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdv:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdw:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdx:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdy:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# multipath -ll
vpath2 (360050768019600fba80000000000036d) dm-11 IBM,2145
[size=10G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=200][active]
\_ 1:0:6:2 sdk 8:160 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:7:2 sdn 8:208 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:6:2 sdw 65:96 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:7:2 sdz 65:144 [active][ready]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=40][enabled]
\_ 1:0:4:2 sde 8:64 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:5:2 sdh 8:112 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:4:2 sdq 65:0 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:5:2 sdt 65:48 [active][ready]
vpath1 (360050768019600fba80000000000036c) dm-10 IBM,2145
[size=500G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=200][active]
\_ 1:0:4:1 sdd 8:48 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:5:1 sdg 8:96 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:4:1 sdp 8:240 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:5:1 sds 65:32 [active][ready]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=40][enabled]
\_ 1:0:6:1 sdj 8:144 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:7:1 sdm 8:192 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:6:1 sdv 65:80 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:7:1 sdy 65:128 [active][ready]
vpath0 (360050768019600fba80000000000036b) dm-9 IBM,2145
[size=500G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=200][active]
\_ 1:0:6:0 sdi 8:128 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:7:0 sdl 8:176 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:6:0 sdu 65:64 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:7:0 sdx 65:112 [active][ready]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=40][enabled]
\_ 1:0:4:0 sdc 8:32 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:5:0 sdf 8:80 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:4:0 sdo 8:224 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:5:0 sdr 65:16 [active][ready]
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# ls -lrt /dev/mapper/vpath*
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 253, 11 Jul 9 12:49 /dev/mapper/vpath2
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 253, 10 Jul 9 12:49 /dev/mapper/vpath1
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 253, 9 Jul 9 12:49 /dev/mapper/vpath0
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# find /dev/oracleasm/disks -type b | xargs -i sh -c "echo {}; dd if={} count=100 2>/dev/null | strings"
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
/dev/sdc:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdd:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sde:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdf:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdg:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdh:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdi:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdj:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdk:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdl:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdm:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdn:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdo:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdp:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdq:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdr:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sds:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdt:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdu:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdv:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdw:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdx:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdy:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# multipath -ll
vpath2 (360050768019600fba80000000000036d) dm-11 IBM,2145
[size=10G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=200][active]
\_ 1:0:6:2 sdk 8:160 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:7:2 sdn 8:208 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:6:2 sdw 65:96 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:7:2 sdz 65:144 [active][ready]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=40][enabled]
\_ 1:0:4:2 sde 8:64 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:5:2 sdh 8:112 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:4:2 sdq 65:0 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:5:2 sdt 65:48 [active][ready]
vpath1 (360050768019600fba80000000000036c) dm-10 IBM,2145
[size=500G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=200][active]
\_ 1:0:4:1 sdd 8:48 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:5:1 sdg 8:96 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:4:1 sdp 8:240 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:5:1 sds 65:32 [active][ready]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=40][enabled]
\_ 1:0:6:1 sdj 8:144 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:7:1 sdm 8:192 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:6:1 sdv 65:80 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:7:1 sdy 65:128 [active][ready]
vpath0 (360050768019600fba80000000000036b) dm-9 IBM,2145
[size=500G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=200][active]
\_ 1:0:6:0 sdi 8:128 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:7:0 sdl 8:176 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:6:0 sdu 65:64 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:7:0 sdx 65:112 [active][ready]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=40][enabled]
\_ 1:0:4:0 sdc 8:32 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:5:0 sdf 8:80 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:4:0 sdo 8:224 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:5:0 sdr 65:16 [active][ready]
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# ls -lrt /dev/mapper/vpath*
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 253, 11 Jul 9 12:49 /dev/mapper/vpath2
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 253, 10 Jul 9 12:49 /dev/mapper/vpath1
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 253, 9 Jul 9 12:49 /dev/mapper/vpath0
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# find /dev/oracleasm/disks -type b | xargs -i sh -c "echo {}; dd if={} count=100 2>/dev/null | strings"
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
Hope it helps
How to identify the physical disk bound to the ASMLIB disk?
We will create ASM disks with oracleasm and we can list the ASM disks using the listdisks option.
While creating the ASM disk we will supply the physical disk path, as
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm createdisk ASK_DISK1 /dev/sdc1
Marking disk "ASK_DISK1" as an ASM disk: [ OK ]
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
Once after creating the ASM disks, there is no direct command which actually lists the mapping between ASM disks and physical disks.
If you check the syntax,
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm -h
Usage: /etc/init.d/oracleasm {start|stop|restart|enable|disable|configure|createdisk|deletedisk|querydisk|listdisks|scandisks|status}
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm listdisks
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm querydisk
Usage: oracleasm-querydisk [-l <manager>] [-v] [-d|-p] <label>|<device> ...
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm querydisk CRSVOL1
Disk "CRSVOL1" is a valid ASM disk
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
So there is no option from oracleasm executable to check how ASM_DISK1 is linked to /dev/sdc1.
We will try the SQL Commands ..
SQL> select name from v$asm_diskgroup;
SQL> select name,path,label from v$asm_disk;
--------------- ----------------------------------- ---------------
CRS_0000 /dev/oracleasm/disks/CRSVOL1
FRA_0000 /dev/oracleasm/disks/FRAVOL1
RACDB_DATA_0000 /dev/oracleasm/disks/DATAVOL1
Then how do we find, Which Disks Are Handled by ASMLib Kernel Driver?
There are two ways to identify the physical disk bound to the ASMLIB disk
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# find /dev -type b -exec '/etc/init.d/oracleasm' 'querydisk' '{}' ';' 2>/dev/null | grep "is marked an ASM disk"
Device "/dev/oracleasm/disks/CRSVOL1" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/oracleasm/disks/FRAVOL1" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/oracleasm/disks/DATAVOL1" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/dm-9" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/dm-11" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/dm-10" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdc" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdd" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sde" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdf" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdg" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdh" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdi" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdj" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdk" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdl" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdm" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdn" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdo" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdp" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdq" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdr" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sds" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdt" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdu" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdv" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdw" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdx" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdy" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/sdz" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/mapper/vpath2" is marked an ASM disk with the label "CRSVOL1"
Device "/dev/mapper/vpath1" is marked an ASM disk with the label "FRAVOL1"
Device "/dev/mapper/vpath0" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATAVOL1"
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# blkid|grep sd.*oracleasm|while read a b;do echo -n $a$b" scsi_id=";(echo $a|tr -d [:digit:]|tr -d [:]|cut -d"/" -f3|xargs -i scsi_id -g -s /block/{})done;
/dev/sdc:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdd:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sde:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdf:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdg:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdh:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdi:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdj:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdk:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdl:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdm:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdn:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdo:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdp:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdq:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdr:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sds:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdt:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdu:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdv:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
/dev/sdw:LABEL="CRSVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036d
/dev/sdx:LABEL="DATAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036b
/dev/sdy:LABEL="FRAVOL1" TYPE="oracleasm" scsi_id=360050768019600fba80000000000036c
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]# multipath -ll
vpath2 (360050768019600fba80000000000036d) dm-11 IBM,2145
[size=10G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=200][active]
\_ 1:0:6:2 sdk 8:160 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:7:2 sdn 8:208 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:6:2 sdw 65:96 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:7:2 sdz 65:144 [active][ready]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=40][enabled]
\_ 1:0:4:2 sde 8:64 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:5:2 sdh 8:112 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:4:2 sdq 65:0 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:5:2 sdt 65:48 [active][ready]
vpath1 (360050768019600fba80000000000036c) dm-10 IBM,2145
[size=500G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=200][active]
\_ 1:0:4:1 sdd 8:48 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:5:1 sdg 8:96 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:4:1 sdp 8:240 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:5:1 sds 65:32 [active][ready]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=40][enabled]
\_ 1:0:6:1 sdj 8:144 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:7:1 sdm 8:192 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:6:1 sdv 65:80 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:7:1 sdy 65:128 [active][ready]
vpath0 (360050768019600fba80000000000036b) dm-9 IBM,2145
[size=500G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=200][active]
\_ 1:0:6:0 sdi 8:128 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:7:0 sdl 8:176 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:6:0 sdu 65:64 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:7:0 sdx 65:112 [active][ready]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=40][enabled]
\_ 1:0:4:0 sdc 8:32 [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:5:0 sdf 8:80 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:4:0 sdo 8:224 [active][ready]
\_ 2:0:5:0 sdr 65:16 [active][ready]
[root@dhcppc1 rpms]#
[root@orrcdbtsl01 ~]# ls -lrt /dev/mapper/vpath*
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 253, 11 Jul 9 12:49 /dev/mapper/vpath2
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 253, 10 Jul 9 12:49 /dev/mapper/vpath1
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 253, 9 Jul 9 12:49 /dev/mapper/vpath0
[root@orrcdbtsl01 ~]#
[root@orrcdbtsl01 ~]# find /dev/oracleasm/disks -type b | xargs -i sh -c "echo {}; dd if={} count=100 2>/dev/null | strings"
[root@orrcdbtsl01 ~]#
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