- Install Java
- Install Logstash
- Install New Relic Plugin for Logstash
- Configure New Relic Plugin
- Validate the installation
2. Install Logstash:
Logstash is installed using rpm. There are various methods to install logstash. We used rpm method for this setup. Please complete the following steps to install logstash.
3. Install New Relic Plugin for Logstash :
Use the following steps to install New Relic Plugin for Logstash.
Verify if Plugin is installed. Go to directory /usr/share/logstash
Install plugin using....
Validate again if the plugin is installed....
4. Configure New Relic Plugin:
At this point, we have logstash installed and New Relic plugin for Logs is also installed. Now lets configure the plugin to forward logs to New Relic.
Above configuration is a simple configuration to send the logs to standard output. The content of the file specified for path will be sent to standard output.
5. Validate the installation:
We have successfully done the installation of Logstash and New Relic Plugin. And also configured the plugin. We can now test the plugin function. As mentioned in the section above, we are sending the content of the logfile to standard output for validation. Once the validation is done, we can configure the actual configuration files to direct logs to New Relic Logs.
NOTE: At this point, the logstash is not started. When you install logstash using rpm method, it will not start automatically. But there is a OS service that will be created during installation. Please read the next section to know how to start logstash.
For the validation, Start the logstash using the configuration file that we have created "/u001/app/ag_software/askm.log"
/usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash -f /u001/app/ag_software/askm.log
NOTE : Above command will not return the prompt.
Now we can populate the logfile with some content using the following command. Execute the below command from a different terminal.
Validating with New Relic Logs :
- Create the configuration file in location /etc/logstash/logstash.conf
- Start the logstash service which is created as part of installation.
- Send some text messages to the logfile configured in above configuration for path variable.
- Validate the logs in New Relic.