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Home » , , , , » OEM 12C CLOUD CONTROL INSTALLATION - Advanced Option


Written By askMLabs on Sunday, March 2, 2014 | 5:58 AM

In this article, we will see 12c oem grid control installation. There are two types of installations for oem grid control, simple installation and advanced installation. We are going to see advanced installation in this article.

  1. 1.Software
  2. 2.OS installation
  3. 3.Database Installation
  4. 4.Oem 12c Prerequisites
    1. a.Hardware Requirements
    2. b.Operating System Requirements
    3. c.Package Requirements
    4. d.Kernel Parameter Requirements
    5. e.Library Requirements
    6. f.Operating System Groups and Users Requirements
    7. g.Unique Host Name and Static IP Address Requirements
    8. h.Temporary Directory Space Requirements
    9. i.Central Inventory Requirements
    10. j.UMASK Value Requirements
    11. k.File Descriptor Requirements
    12. l.Existing Database Version Requirements
    13. m.Host File Requirements
    14. n.Port Requirements
  5. 5.Oem 12c Installation Procedure
  6. 6.Verification Checks
  7. 7.Starting and Stopping oem 12c Services

1. Software : 
The required software for the oem 12c cloud control are :

  • CentOS 6.5 (x86_64)  Download
  • Oracle Database 12c (x86_64)  Download
  • Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c ( (x86_64) Download

2. OS Installation :
We are using CentOS 6.5 for this installation. Please download the latest software and install OS. While installing the OS select the option to install database server, so the most of the required rpms will be installed by default.

3. Database Installation :
Please follow my article Database 12c Installation on CentOS 6.5 for database installation. We need to have the database installed for oem 12c installation. It is called oracle management repository. Oracle database 12c is not yet certified with the oem 12c at the time i am writing this article. But i used database 12c as OMR for oem 12c installation.
Please complete all the following pre-requisite on OMR
[oracle@fsrsrv10 oem12c]$ sqlplus '/as sysdba'
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Feb 24 03:04:33 2014
Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options
SQL> sho parameter session_cached
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
session_cached_cursors               integer     50
SQL> sho parameter shared_
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
hi_shared_memory_address             integer     0
max_shared_servers                   integer
shared_memory_address                integer     0
shared_pool_reserved_size            big integer 95630131
shared_pool_size                     big integer 0
shared_server_sessions               integer
shared_servers                       integer     1
SQL> alter system set session_cached_cursors=200 scope=both;
alter system set session_cached_cursors=200 scope=both
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02096: specified initialization parameter is not modifiable with this

SQL> desc v$log
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 GROUP#                                             NUMBER
 THREAD#                                            NUMBER
 SEQUENCE#                                          NUMBER
 BYTES                                              NUMBER
 BLOCKSIZE                                          NUMBER
 MEMBERS                                            NUMBER
 ARCHIVED                                           VARCHAR2(3)
 STATUS                                             VARCHAR2(16)
 FIRST_CHANGE#                                      NUMBER
 FIRST_TIME                                         DATE
 NEXT_CHANGE#                                       NUMBER
 NEXT_TIME                                          DATE
 CON_ID                                             NUMBER
SQL> desc v$logname
ORA-04043: object v$logname does not exist

SQL> desc v$logfile
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 GROUP#                                             NUMBER
 STATUS                                             VARCHAR2(7)
 TYPE                                               VARCHAR2(7)
 MEMBER                                             VARCHAR2(513)
 IS_RECOVERY_DEST_FILE                              VARCHAR2(3)
 CON_ID                                             NUMBER
SQL> select group#,thread#,bytes/1024/1024 from v$log;
    GROUP#    THREAD# BYTES/1024/1024
---------- ---------- ---------------
         1          1              50
         2          1              50
         3          1              50
SQL> select group#,thread#,MEMBERS,bytes/1024/1024 from v$log;
    GROUP#    THREAD#    MEMBERS BYTES/1024/1024
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------
         1          1          1              50
         2          1          1              50
         3          1          1              50
SQL> select member from v$logfile;
SQL> alter database add logfile thread 1 group 4 ('/home/apps/oem12c/oradata/oem12c/redo04.log') size 300M;
Database altered.
SQL> alter database add logfile thread 1 group 5 ('/home/apps/oem12c/oradata/oem12c/redo05.log') size 300M;
Database altered.
SQL> alter database add logfile thread 1 group 6 ('/home/apps/oem12c/oradata/oem12c/redo06.log') size 300M;
Database altered.
SQL> select member,status  from v$logfile;






6 rows selected.
SQL> select group#,thread#,MEMBERS,status,bytes/1024/1024 from v$log;
    GROUP#    THREAD#    MEMBERS STATUS           BYTES/1024/1024
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------
         1          1          1 INACTIVE                      50
         2          1          1 CURRENT                       50
         3          1          1 INACTIVE                      50
         4          1          1 UNUSED                       300
         5          1          1 UNUSED                       300
         6          1          1 UNUSED                       300
6 rows selected.
SQL> alter database drop logfile group 1;
Database altered.
SQL> alter database drop logfile group 3;
Database altered.
SQL> atler system switch logfile;
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "atler syst..." - rest of line ignored.
SQL> alter system switch logfile;
System altered.
SQL> alter system checkpoint;
System altered.
SQL> select group#,thread#,MEMBERS,status,bytes/1024/1024 from v$log;
    GROUP#    THREAD#    MEMBERS STATUS           BYTES/1024/1024
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------
         2          1          1 INACTIVE                      50
         4          1          1 CURRENT                      300
         5          1          1 UNUSED                       300
         6          1          1 UNUSED                       300
SQL> alter database drop logfile group 2;
Database altered.
SQL> select group#,thread#,MEMBERS,status,bytes/1024/1024 from v$log;
    GROUP#    THREAD#    MEMBERS STATUS           BYTES/1024/1024
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------
         4          1          1 CURRENT                      300
         5          1          1 UNUSED                       300
         6          1          1 UNUSED                       300
SQL> alter system set session_cached_cursors=250 scope=spfile;
System altered.
SQL> alter system set shared_pool_size=600M scope=spfile;
System altered.

SQL> shut immediate
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 1.5132E+10 bytes
Fixed Size                  3092488 bytes
Variable Size            1040191480 bytes
Database Buffers         1.4059E+10 bytes
Redo Buffers               29700096 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
SQL> sho parameter session_cached_cursors
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
session_cached_cursors               integer     250
SQL> sho parameter shared_pool_size
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
shared_pool_size                     big integer 608M
4.OEM 12c Pre-Requisites : 
4.a Hardware requirements : CPU, RAM, Heap Size, and Hard Disk Space requirements vary depending on the type of installation we are choosing. Please review the here to know the exact hardware requirements.

4.b Operating System Requirements :
Ensure that you install Enterprise Manger Cloud Control only on certified operating system as mentioned in the Enterprise Manager Certification Matrix.

4.c Package Requirements: Though we are using CentOS6.5, we will follow Linux 6.x requirement for the installation.
For OMS : 
64-Bit Packages for 64-Bit Platform
Oracle Linux 6.x
(Red Hat 6 Kernel and Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK))

  • make-3.81
  • binutils-
  • gcc-4.4.4
  • libaio-0.3.107
  • glibc-common-2.12-1
  • libstdc++-4.4.4
  • libXtst-
  • sysstat-9.0.4
  • glibc-devel-2.12-1.7.el6.i686 (This is a 32-bit package)
  • glibc-devel-2.12-1.7.el6.x86_64 (This is a 64-bit package)
  • (Applicable only for Oracle Linux 6.2, which includes RH6.2 and UEK 6.2) glibc-2.12-

For Agent : 
64-Bit Packages for 64-Bit Platform
Oracle Linux 6.x
(Red Hat 6 Kernel and Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK))
  • make-3.81
  • binutils-
  • gcc-4.4.4
  • libaio-0.3.107
  • glibc-common-2.12-1.7
  • libstdc++-4.4.4
  • sysstat-9.0.4
4.d Kernel Parameter Requirements
For installing an OMS or a Management Agent on Unix operating systems (32-bit or 64-bit), set the kernel.shmmax parameter to a value 1 byte less than 4 GB or 4294967295.

4.e Library Requirements :
Install glibc-2.5.12 package

4.f.Operating System Groups and Users Requirements:
# /usr/sbin/groupadd oinstall
# /usr/sbin/useradd -g oinstall oracle
# passwd oracle

4.g Host Name and Static IP Address Requirements :
Ensure that you check the network configuration to verify that the host on which you are installing resolves to a unique host name and a static IP address that is visible to other hosts in the network.
You must use a static IP address. If you use a dynamic IP address, the installation might fail.
Ensure that the host name specified in /etc/hosts file is unique, and that it maps to the correct IP address. Following is the recommended format of the /etc/hosts file:
<ip address> <fully_qualified_host_name> <short_host_name>
If the DNS server is configured, then it should resolve the host name for the OMS machine correctly. For example, all these command must return the same output:
nslookup host1
nslookup host1.foo.com

4.h.Temporary Directory Space Requirements :
Ensure that you allocate 400 MB of space for a temporary directory where the executables can be copied.

4.i.Central Inventory Requirements :
Ensure that you allocate 100 MB of space for the central inventory directory.
 Also ensure that the central inventory directory is not on a shared file system. If it is already on a shared file system, then switch over to a non-shared file system by following the instructions outlined in My Oracle Support note 1092645.1.
To determine whether the Oracle Inventory group exists, enter the following command:
     $ more /etc/oraInst.loc
     If the oraInst.loc file exists, then the output from this command looks like:

4.j.UMASK Value Requirements:
Ensure that you set the default file mode creation mask (umask) to 022 in the shell startup file.

4.k.File Descriptor Requirements :
If the current value is less than 4096, then as root user, update the /etc/security/limits.conf file as shown below:
         <UID> soft nofile 4096
         <UID> hard nofile 4096

4.l.Existing Database Version Requirements :
Ensure that the database is patched with all the Patch Set Updates (PSU) or Critical Patch Updates (CPU) released for that release. Also ensure that you apply the patches.
The database can also have the Automatic Memory Management (AMM) feature enabled.

4.m.Host File Requirements :
Ensure that the host name specified in the /etc/hosts file is unique, and ensure that it maps to the correct IP address of that host. Otherwise, the installation can fail on the product-specific prerequisite check page.
The following is the recommended format of the /etc/hosts file:
<ip> <fully_qualified_host_name> <short_host_name>

4.n.Port Requirements :
Ensure that the ports you assign (within the given range) to the following components are free and available:
    • Admin Server HTTP SSL Port = 7101 - 7200
    • Enterprise Manager Upload HTTP Port = 4889 - 4898
    • Enterprise Manager Upload HTTP SSL Port = 1159, 4899 - 4908
    • Enterprise Manager Central Console HTTP Port = 7788 - 7798
    • Enterprise Manager Central Console HTTP SSL Port = 7799 - 7809
    • Oracle Management Agent Port = 3872, 1830 - 1849
    • Node Manager = 7101 - 7200
    • Managed Server HTTP Port = 7201 - 7300
    • Managed Server HTTPS Port = 7301 - 7400
5. Oem 12cR3 Installation Procedure :(Advanced)

[root@fsrsrv10 apps]# /home/apps/oem12c/middleware/oms/allroot.sh

Starting to execute allroot.sh .........

Starting to execute /home/apps/oem12c/middleware/oms/root.sh ......
Running Oracle 11g root.sh script...

The following environment variables are set as:
    ORACLE_OWNER= oracle
    ORACLE_HOME=  /home/apps/oem12c/middleware/oms

Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]:
The file "dbhome" already exists in /usr/local/bin.  Overwrite it? (y/n)
The file "oraenv" already exists in /usr/local/bin.  Overwrite it? (y/n)
The file "coraenv" already exists in /usr/local/bin.  Overwrite it? (y/n)

Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created
Finished running generic part of root.sh script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.
/etc exist

Creating /etc/oragchomelist file...
Finished execution of  /home/apps/oem12c/middleware/oms/root.sh ......

6.Verification Checks :
Access the following URL with sysman user and navigate to different pages to verify everything looks good.
                   https://<oms hostname>:7802/em

7.Starting and Stopping oem 12c Services :
Use the following commands to start all components :
    $ export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1
    $ export OMS_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/Middleware/oms
    $ export AGENT_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/Middleware/agent/core/
    # Start everything
    $ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus '/as sysdba'
    SQL> startup
    $lsnrctl start listener
    $ $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl start oms
    $ $AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl start agent

Use the following commands to stop all components :
    $ export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1
    $ export OMS_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/Middleware/oms
    $ export AGENT_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/Middleware/agent/core/
    # Stop everything
   $  $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl stop oms -all
   $  $AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl stop agent
    $ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus '/as sysdba'
    SQL> shut immediate
    $ $lsnrctl stop listener

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